Blog v Wiki

A blog is essentially an online journal, a personal page where an individual (a blog author) shares content, and blog visitors and users can view that content and comment on it. Blogs are only updated when and if the admin updates them, only the admin or the blog owner is able to edit and make changes to content, while others can merely share their thoughts via comments.

A wiki, on the other hand, is more of a collaborative platform where many users can view edit and make changes to articles and information, a wiki has many authors and is always a work in progress being updated by many users all the time.

Media Convergence in Today’s networked world is extremely important and beneficial as it allows individuals from all over the world, people with similar interests and people with nothing in common at all to come together and share ideas, thoughts, and debate. It drives people to learn from each other and brings the world together thus serving as a catalyst for globalization.

Blogs can also be used to collaboration, as they offer an opportunity to people with similar interests to come together and think out loud. Bloggers can share thoughts, follow a diet or a certain lifestyle, and review products for their followers and other bloggers to see and learn from their experience.


The First Biodegradable water bottle is here