
There are many ways that new media can help make Baruch college a better school and escalate the relationship between students and the school. I personally find the Baruch website hard to navigate, it's confusing and I mostly have to google what I was looking for on the website to get a link straight to the page.

Being a Baruch student and a senior who has been through most departments throughout the school, I have personally thought about writing the college a letter of suggestions before. There are many Ideas around how they can offer better services, starting with their website, phone line to their in-office services.

I would recommend a complete revamp of the current Baruch website to produce a user-friendly platform that will better the user experience. I would also recommend that the school starts its own mobile App to offer more services to students and encourage collaboration. The App can contain features such as housing, tutoring, Baruch Alumni, internships, and jobs to name a few.

The App will help students to get together and explore opportunities to collaborate and help one another. The same features on the app can be featured on the website to stay consistent with the services and quality provided.

Blackboard is another way that Baruch can use new media to provide better and easier access to their students. The blackboard mobile App requires you to sign in via web login every time you check the App, which is not a user-friendly experience. We live in a world where you can sign in by showing your phone your face or your fingerprint and most apps stay logged in. The school should collaborate with Blackboard to offer better services and easier access to students which will then help them to stay up to date with their assignments and work on Blackboard and broaden the accessibility. 
